
Upcoming Events

Masterclass : 9

Title: Educational Content Curation

Date and Time: Wednesday, Mar 22,  6 pm to 7:30 pm

Target Audience: Faculty of all level

Pre- Requisite(s): None

Brief Description: Educational Content is available on the internet in most the languages and in different styles. This brings a new problem of students hopping from one topic to another and switch to entertainment from education. This enormous availability of content brings new opportunities to teachers. Now we can teach students on teaching prerequisites with curated content while focusing only on course content in class. It means you can personalize your instructions for prerequisites.


Content curation activity also helps you in planning your own online course. You come to know how you can improve the content and presentation quality of your course and what content you can keep in your course.


Key Objective(s)

At the end of this Masterclass, the participants will be able to:

  • Explain the use of content curation in education.
  • Curated content from YouTube and fill all meta data.
  • Create an academic course for your students.

Instructor: Dr. Yogendra Pal

Dr. Pal earned his Masters degree in Computer Science and Engineering in 2009 and started his career as project engineer in C-DAC Mumbai. At the same time, he started producing videos to teach programming to Hindi medium learners. These videos are available on YouTube channel named “LearnByWatch”. His interest in use of ICT in education brought him to the Ph.D. course in Educational Technology at IIT Bombay. He completed Ph.D. in Educational Technology in 2016 and the result of the Ph.D. is “a framework for scaffolding to teach programming to vernacular medium students”. After Ph.D., he started another YouTube channel named ETmantra to provide training and support teachers in educational content development. In 2017, he joined CSE department of IIT Bombay as a project research scientist. Dr Pal was managing the frontend for IITBombayX, a MOOC platform of IIT Bombay.


To register for Master Class, please click on the link here.

Till May 2023, all the Masterclasses are free for the public. 

Letter of Participation: Those who attend and submit an evaluation at the end of the masterclass will receive a ‘Letter of Participation’ from the EdTech Society.