This track focuses on demos related to interactive tools, new software, apps or technology-enhanced environments that are of potential use for learning, teaching or educational research. 

Submissions must be in the form of a 300-500 word abstract (adhering to the IEEE Formatting) and must  include the objective(s), description of the tool/product and details of how it can be applied in learning, teaching or educational research. Submissions will be reviewed based on the innovativeness, relevance and readiness of the tool / product. Abstracts of accepted submissions will appear in the proceedings published by EdTech Society.

To whom might this track be of interest?

This track may be of particular interest to designers and developers of tools/products from industry, NGOs and foundations, and academic institutions.

Important Notice:

Submissions of Workshop, Best Practices/Teaching Demos, and Tool/Product Demo types should be done through Microsoft CMT, refer to the submission guidelines. For any query, contact