Practitioner Research Idea Summit (PRISm) 2023

Duration: May 10 to July 21, 2023


11 dedicated individuals, including teachers from Engineering and Liberal Arts education, school teachers, and EdTech industry professionals, were selected based on their innovative research ideas.

Research buddies:

Each learner was guided by one of the 18 research buddies.


Out of the 8 papers submitted to the Technology 4 Education (T4E) 2023, 7 have been accepted.

Learner-Research Buddy Teams
Learner nameResearch buddy name
Krishna Kanta RoyUlfa Khwaja
K. Srunika, Natasha Maria GomesIshika
Rakshita ChauhanArjun Prasad, Antony Prakash
Ganesh Chandrakant LokhandeNisumba Soodhani K., Meera Daulatrao Pawar
Shruti HandaSonika Pal, Jatin Ambasana
BeenaSandeep Yadav (Salim), Vishwas Badhe
Shreya SinghalSaurabh Mehta, Indrayani Nishane
Surbhi SharmaVimlesh Prabhudesai, Sumitra Sadhukhan
Roopa ShahSajna Jaleel, Sunny Prakash Prajapati
AnupriyaRavindra Vaidya, Jyoti Kolap
Accepted Papers in T4E 2023
AuthorsPaper titleTrack
Anupriya Sharma Ghai, Jyoti Shaha and Sanjay JasolaImpact on Students’ Academic Performance in Blended Learning Using MOOCsSHORT RST
Beena AnilEnhancing student engagement in graduate level environmental awareness course using Google lens technologySHORT RST
Ganesh Lokhande, Sushobhan Patankar and Sameer SahasrabudheEvaluation of a Video Script Writing Tool Through Expert TestingSHORT RST
Shreya Singhal, Rishabh Balse and Swarnim SoniUnraveling the Factors Affecting Students’ Success in an Online Introductory Programming Course: A Case StudySHORT RST
Srunika Kannan, Natasha Maria Gomes, Ishika Ishika and Sameer SahasrabudheFostering Engagement in MOOCs: Leveraging a Community of Practice for Discussion Forum ModeratorsFULL RST
Rakshita Chauhan, Arjun Prasad and Antony PrakashStarQuestAR: A mobile-based augmented reality application to learn concepts in astronomy.SHORT PRT
Shruti Handa, Sonika Pal and Jatin AmbasanaEvaluating Effectiveness of Training Students in Prompt Engineering for Generative AI ChatbotsSHORT PRT
RST – Research studies track; PRT – Practitioner research track



  • Dr. Sameer Sahasrabudhe
  • Dr. Jayakrishnan M.
  • Nandan P. A.


  • Prof. Sahana Murthy